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by Afternic.com on 4/6/01 at 11:11 AM EST
Click for full story: 'MultiBind'?
A posting to the GA list from the self-styled "American Webmasters" announces the existence of a beta version of "MultiBind"--a fork from "Bind" (by far the most popular DNS management program) that it says makes subscribing to multiple alternate roots easy.

"Bind" vs "Multi Bind" Chaos is Chaos!!
nameweb 4/13/01 10:23 AM EST

I wish I were more informed regarding the techo speak in the argument "Bind" versus "Multi Bind" as it regards the traffic control function of the main root servers, but I do not have this training.

However, from my humble "Laymans" point of view, no matter what techno speak you use, "Chaos" always equals "Chaos". When tweaking a system which now serves the entire planet, "Chaos" is certainly something to be avoided. the group called American Webmasters, if they view themselves as professionals, should certainly take into consideration the argument of "order" vs "Chaos" and abide by the regulatory bodies which are still struggling to bring order to a system that can be chaotic even now.

Harold A Pelham

These American Webmasters
Tomsters 4/15/01 09:57 AM EST

whoever they are, if they can make it work, are gonna be some wealthy people.

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download 4/19/01 06:20 PM EST

Connecting to the Alternate roots has always been easy. There has been a free program for enabling the DNS settings on your computer for a long time.

They are not inventing anything new, just like Afternic and Register.com saying that their system of contacting domain name owners with offers was an invention. People always could email the domain name owner with and offer and were doing so long before AN and Reg.com began calling it a new invention.

It's all hype.


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